
A Young Wombat Named Benson

Stories for bedtime or any time, for children and young readers, about a young wombat named Benson. Short or long, depending on how much time you have to spend. Read aloud, listen or read to your favourite friend.

You’ll also occasionally find here Stories for Another Day, a new collection of stories about princesses, adventurers, pilgrims, toads and heroes. Read and let your imagination go!

The Dragon’s Head Key

Stories for Another Day Two children were playing in a big, dark, old house one day when they found something. They were playing with a ball, which you know you should never do inside, but they were playing very quietly, rolling it and not throwing it, because the old lady who lived in the house…

The Fisher Cat

Stories for Another Day If one day you happen to find yourself at the mudflats where the three great rivers meet, and you should happen to hear a low chuckling coming from somewhere near but out of sight, don’t be afraid, for it’s only the fisher cat. He won’t do you any harm at all,…

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